Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Quick review: Siro-A

Billed as the Japanese take on the Blue Man Group, Siro-A were an unknown quantity to me... Being described as "technodelic" also didn't tell me much and the pre-show warm-up of a man with a tall white cigarette-like tube hat interacting with the bemused audience similarly didn't provide any clues, but I did get a cute photo from his polaroid camera. What Siro-A actually do involves dancing and miming to thumping music - but it's also so much more than that. Images are projected onto them and onto props such as boxes that they have to hold at just the right place to catch the picture and take it on voyages around the stage. It's a clever idea and the troupe of four dancers, a DJ and visual controller perform admirably and with energy, hitting their marks an impressive ~99% of the time. The various set pieces that form the show - including the barcode men, which will have you questioning what is real and what is projected - last about an hour in all, a reasonable length - though I would happily have watched them for longer. That does also make the standard ticket prices rather dear in my opinion, but there are some discount offers around and the show is definitely entertaining. Leave expectations behind and enjoy the fun...
Siro-a are at the Leicester Square Theatre until April.

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